Friday, June 24, 2005


I feel like barfing

This has not been a very uncommon occurence the last few days...

Wed morning I woke up litterally groaning not just whining full on groaning about my stomache hurting, I could not believe how crappy I felt.

Went to work because normally when my stomache hurts its nothing at all like 20 minutes later so I thought why waste a work day?

I get to work open my car door and immeadiately barf up my ENTIRE tuna sandwhich from the night before complete with melted cheese and sliced olives. So Gross!

Call husband return home immeadiately fall asleep for like 6 hours with a minor interuption when my significant other woke me up to say goodbye for the day.

Wake up frantically 6 hours later completely out of it, feverish and in panic that I did not leave enough time to do all the laundry so my husband coud have underwear and socks for this week.

I go to open the door to my apt, and chris is standing there saying. Have you called Jeremy yet he's been trying to get a hold of you.

I race downstairs to put the laundry in so that i won't feel like a horrible wife who did nothing for her husband. Call Jerm and he is in well sorta a state of panic about me possibly being pregnant, which is horrible because I had been in so much of a state of panic that I called a trusted friend to ask if they could tell me what morning sickness was like. Luckily it was ABSOLUTELY nothing like I was experiencing. See morning sickness tends to be worse in the morning, I had been throwing up and horribly sick ALL day. At any rate I calmed my husbands fears and asked for some gingerale and toast (bread)

Went back to bed for like 3 hours (I think)

Husband brought home "Be Cool" which was pretty funny (more ironic funny) I wanted so badly to be all cuddley and comfy with Jerm, but my stomache hurt so bad and not 2 hours after eating not even a glass of gingerale and 1.5 pieces of toast with nothing on them I threw it all up and finally started to feel better.

By last night I had a bit of a fever still but had some rice, egg flour soup and went to a movie. It was nice but now today after some topraman which sounded good at the time I am so very close to barfing again. EEE YUCK!

Well that's my life right at the moment.

Praying i won't barf durring my good buddies wedding seeing as how I am in it :)



Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, poor meg! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well!!!! I hope you get better right quick!

4:15 PM  

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