one more thought for today
i realize there are people in this world who do way more homework than i do, but i do not know those people therefore they do not directly affect my feelings of "everyone else has it so easy in my social group" 'Cept Jerm... he has it WAY worse than me. Yet he has a WAY better attitude about it. I know he really looks to God for his joy and contentment. Huh, novel thought. I feel better already. Seriously... in the light of eternity all this stuff is just a speck a milaspeck of what God has for me. It's not a big deal i just gotta get it done and "Whether we eat or drink do everything for the Glory of God" yeah.. that's what my mentee person and I were discussing. I feel like garbage.... no i feel enlightened and joyful God would bring His words to my mind to bring me His peace that passes my understanding. THANKYOU LORD - and AMEN!!!
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