Friday, July 29, 2005

The World is my Oyster or at Least a Clam

Melissa and I were discussing the other day how awesome it is to have husbands who love to take care of thier wives.

I feel stuck in my job, I would feel horribly guilty if I did not work at all. Even though Jeremy before I took my full time job told me, if I never wanted to work again it was fine with him, how amazing is he. But somehow in the back of my head I am convinced that he would be hurt and offended if I did not work. (how silly is that) It just does not seem completely unreasonable to me that he would feel this way becuase he loathes his new job at the moment and part of me just wants to work extra hard so that he can just not work, but the other part starts to feel the weight of having to provide for us and my stomache starts hurting and I get all depressed and I feel like everything is backwards.

Anywho so Melissa say's something yesterday that makes SO MUCH SENSE to me. "Meg I feel like my husband has given me the freedom to find a job that I would really enjoy no matter what the pay, 'cause even if it paide me 5 dollars an hour (which it won't) I am still contributing to our finances, but I am enjoying my day, and a better wife for it. I can explore my intrests like working with kids, and baking." Wow I have never thought of contributing to our finances like that, I just thought try to get the most money you can, and don't worry if you don't exactly enjoy your day. Well I don't really enjoy my day at all. And I want to, but so does Jeremy. I realize guilt is not from God so how do I walk in faith, serve my husband and be a blessing to him, while not hating my job.

First off I don't know what I would really want to do... waitressing is fun and there is always the potential for tips but I would have to get a job where they were okay with me not wanting to work weekends. I could do retail, it does not pay too much but I get to work with people, and the northgate mall is just down the road from me. I could work at an icecream shop, but I would prolly grow rather large rather fast. (scratch that last idea) Being a coffee girl is STRESSFUL. I hated nannying. I could work in a movie theatre but they would most likely want weekends. Oh man I would love to teach something drama, singing, something to any age. I don't have a teaching certificate though nor do I want one because it means I would have to go to school for a LONG TIME. (no thank you!!!) I could be a Nordstroms or Bon Cosmetic Person. I could council people and teach them how to put on make-up correctly. Ever since I was like 12 I have been asking God to give me a trade, some skill that I grow into but I have yet to find it. Jack of all trades master of none oh man is that ever me.

Rant to be continued after my yummy homemade by me lunch.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


These last two months have been one huge transition...

Jeremy got a new job, and starts a week from mon.

I switched positions in my work to the front desk full time instead of marketing part time.

Jeremy and I are being asked to step up and help out our Pastor. (more than we have already)

This was the very first 4th of JULY ever that i was not with the family i grew up with for any part of it. it was so strange.

God is calling us to go deeper and farther with him and step out into the kind of faith that see's miracles. The kind of faith that believes what God's word says is true. We are healed, sickness is just lies of Satan, and as people who believe in the power of God we do not have to put up with it.

Last night I found myself playing the comparision game and caught myself before whirling inot the why God questions that tangle people up. God is constantly doing amazingly different things and yet just as loving things in the lives of everyone of his kids. How could I ever not step back and just be thankful for what He is doing in and through my life?

Lord I want what you have for me and Jeremy please God POUR IT OUT on us, forgive me for getting caught in any kind of comparison game. Show J and I where we are to go who we are to focus our time on and how we can be hospitable to those around us. God let your empowering grace be rained down upon our lives. Thank you Lord for keeping Mark and Jess and Melvin safe in London, I pray your protection upon each of them for a safe return home. -Amen_


Ps My husband is a hottie pants!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Let's face it blogging is not my strong suit

All the blogs I read are so interesting. I put myself to sleep
Why would anyone in thier right mind read this.

The truth is though my life is far from boring between God and my spagesauras suit wearing, fixed gear bike riding, passionate about God husband. There is never a dull moment.

But I just lack the flare and pozazz in my writing to acurately report all the goings on of the Holmes Household.

Maybe someday I will learn how to articulate myself more clearely till then I am doomed to a readership of 3.
