Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Husband of the Millenium Award Goes to...

Jeremy Holmes

He cleans
Sets up Birthday Parties
Takes his wife to a fancy hotel in Portland for the weekend
Spoils her with a super cute new dress
Makes her dinner
Helps her graduate by being SUPER SUPPORTIVE AND All AROUND AWESOME!

I Love you Husband, Thank you for doing all those things for me you're amazing!


Saturday, May 14, 2005

23 in less than 24 hours

i am having one of those "when did this happen moments" i will be 23 in less than 24 hours. i can't believe it i am 2 weeks away from completing my bacholers degree in biblical studies, and 4 weeks away from completing my community college classes. i got married in december, my husband is heading up a city wide ministry. i have an awesome marketing job that will become hourly plus commision this summer. i have an amazing set of friends, all of them will be married in less than 2 years. (I think) my brother applied to a college away from home. my great grandma is still around and as talkative as ever. God has been using Jeremy to reach some of my family memebers that are super closed off to Him. i am blown away. when did all this happen? how did i get here? my graduation banquet seemed so far away, and graduation seemed so insurmountable and yet here i am all i have to do is not miss chapel and i will pass everything with awesome grades. i am stoked, i can't wait to start planning the worship nights for the healing rooms and coordinating many different teams from many different churches it's gonna be awesome and i already see God's hand in these plans. for instance it's not all that normal for me to hear the names of different friends and aquaitences from the past to create those perfectly blended worship teams. it's gonna be good.

today i worked for dan at autohound as the front desk person and it went really well. actually it went extremely well, i felt this huge urge and hunger to read john 6-8 and as a result God really opened my eyes to His words. man, i want my words to be full of life and grace, and truth. i want to be dripping with God's Holy Spirit, filled to the brim with God's living water. i want God to fill my mouth with life, and not dead words.

it's a new season it's comming soon graduation is so soon, and the next chapter is a'com'n i am so expectant!

:) Lord raise my expectation, and fill jerm and i with huge dreams for your kingdom, let your kingdom come to our lives now on earth as it is in heaven.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

fun fact #502 (i have no clue what this number means)

Congratulations, Meg!
Your IQ score is 118

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

yay i am in deed smarter than my blog!

Crap man... i have been trying to log into my blog periodically for the last 3 weeks! Come to find out I was not going crazy i did know my password, but I was putting the_new_kid down as my username when in fact it is the-new-kid! For the love, that was quite the ordeal. Well i am preaching in preaching class tommorow and am pretty excited about it. I have been learning alot about God by studying up on this area of God giving Christians the same authority Jesus has to reconcile people to the Father He have it to us, and we are to carry it out. Now I am not saying we died on a cross like Jesus did but in the passage what it means is we were given this word of reconciliation it is OUR responsibility as Christians to carry out this word and Jesus Himself has given us the authority to do so. I am stoked I pray God speaks to everyone in my class tommorow. He is so awesome I will post more soon but for now I should really get going on my sermon as none of the actual sermon is written I have just done a TON of research concerning this topic.