Thursday, January 17, 2008

Update Extravaganza

Most Recent: Started a new adventure that feels vaguely familar (School)
Most recent : Leaving Apt managing job down town 'Jan 08
Recent: Celebrated 3 years married to a stud (Mr. Jeremy Holmes) Dec '07
Recent: Got apt managing job down town July '07
Recent: Started to worship coordinate June '07
Recent: Found amazing job Nannying for great pay with wonderful kids thanks to sis in law
Less Recent: Left Babysitting job for better pay and personal sanity
Less Recent: Baby sat children that gave me ample opportunity to grow as a good person
Less Recent: Left Coffee Shop to find a paying job :)
Less Recent: Help start a Coffee Shop in Ballard :)
So long ago: Worked at The Rock Salt Down Town as a Host good pay good hours, why did I leave?

I think that is where the update ends.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Stud Alert

Welp Since the Bulletin is done for church, all messages, mail, e-mails, stocking, researching, tidying and filing are accounted for it is now brag on my amazing husband time.

This man can preach, and not just head knowledge, firey passionate, he knows that he know's there is more to God than what we have experienced, deep down from his heart Truth! His day was crazy hectic yesterday, and yet he was so filled with peace, he knows how to trust God.

He is packed with vision, out of the box solutions, and joy, so much joy it's contagious. He works harder than anyone I know.

Have a mentioned he is such a STUD! With a capital S!!!!!

He moved all of our stuff last night into our new two bedroom apt (YES folks I did say TWO bedrooms) (thank you to all those who helped: Si-Bear, Schoney, Toph, Chelle, and Smackey)

All in all what's not to love!

I love you jerm!


The World Is my Oyster Part II

Life is, has been one large transition these last 2 years.

I have worked as a Host/Expidtor
Nanny (Blech)
Front Desk Person
and Now Church Secretary

Jeremy has been

A dental Lab Tech
A pest control man
A Condo Manager
And now a full time pastor at out Church

I am learning something about myself that I have never really seen in me.
I am not called to be surrounded by a Christian bubble, I go crazy if I do not have someone to share how amazing God is for the first time.

I need an evangalism outlet!

Out of all of these jobs the only ones where my boss did not pull me aside and say something close to the words "I would not fire you, you're a fine worker, but you do not look very happy, you should find something that you enjoy doing," Have been restaurant jobs.

I love that business, I love the hustle and the high paced enviorment, so far my favorite postion is not waitressing but Hosting! Now I think God has really been speaking to me about Managing (not owning) A mid to upscale restraunt. I would love that. My job would be to create an atmosphere of peace and high quality service. I think I would be awesome that those, those are the people skills God has put in me from day one.

Thank you Lord for showing me some practical ways I can use the gifts you have put in me. I finally feel like I was built for more than just being a house wife with a little part time job. Thank you for restoring my ability to dream again. I love you Lord! AMEN

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Ipods, and other expenses

So for Christmas (actually a few days after) Jerm bought me my own little ipod shuffle, and that was one of the only things i REALLY REALLY wanted. Long story short after not even 2 months of owning it, my poor little ipod went through the wash... (Sad TiMES) Sad not just because it was an ipod and cost money, but becuase it was from Jerm and it surprised and blessed me SO MUCH.

Well.... last night I got another ipod surprise, my friends, whom are by all means not rich, just cause they love me REPLACED MY IPOD! I couldn't believe it i think when they gave it to me really all i could stutter over and over was "wow... thank you so much... wow" I hope they know how incredibly much that meant to me.

AND two days ago Jerm got a call saying someone was GIVING US 3000 dollars (that is three zero's people) to buy a new car.




Wow - Jilly Bean is getting married!!! I am so excited to go through the Wedding process with her. She has been one of my dear friends for many many years now. It was the saddest thing ever on Saterday to be so sick I could not go to her engagement/Birthday celebration. So much to do so little time, fall wedding, and of course she will be such an amazingly goregous bride. She is just a beautiful person inside and out, and so filled with Joy. And her fiance' i like that guy, they are amazing together. EEEE..... SO EXCITED!!!!!


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Oh how I have missed my blog.

I will probably post this in mine and Jerm's blog too, but i miss having it written on a black background I am such a silly woman.

This is were I am at in my life right now.

"I am convinced that niether heighth nor depth nor angels nor deamons nor things in the present or things to come can seperate me from the love of God"

"He who began a good work in me will be faithful to bring it to completion."

"God is gonna finish just what He started
even though the waters have got to be parted
lift up your head don't be broken hearted
God is gonna finish what He started in you!"

"The Name of the Lord is
The righteous run into it
and they are Safe. X2

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Most High" x2

"I am a promise
I am a possibility
I am a promise
With a capitol P
I am a great big bundle of Potentiality
And I am learning to hear God's voice
And I am trying to make the the right choice
I have the promise to be
ANYTHING God wants me to be"

"Let the redeemed of the the Lord say so


Let the redeemed of the Lord say so


Let the redeemed of the Lord say so


Praise the LORD!!!!"

Friday, July 29, 2005

The World is my Oyster or at Least a Clam

Melissa and I were discussing the other day how awesome it is to have husbands who love to take care of thier wives.

I feel stuck in my job, I would feel horribly guilty if I did not work at all. Even though Jeremy before I took my full time job told me, if I never wanted to work again it was fine with him, how amazing is he. But somehow in the back of my head I am convinced that he would be hurt and offended if I did not work. (how silly is that) It just does not seem completely unreasonable to me that he would feel this way becuase he loathes his new job at the moment and part of me just wants to work extra hard so that he can just not work, but the other part starts to feel the weight of having to provide for us and my stomache starts hurting and I get all depressed and I feel like everything is backwards.

Anywho so Melissa say's something yesterday that makes SO MUCH SENSE to me. "Meg I feel like my husband has given me the freedom to find a job that I would really enjoy no matter what the pay, 'cause even if it paide me 5 dollars an hour (which it won't) I am still contributing to our finances, but I am enjoying my day, and a better wife for it. I can explore my intrests like working with kids, and baking." Wow I have never thought of contributing to our finances like that, I just thought try to get the most money you can, and don't worry if you don't exactly enjoy your day. Well I don't really enjoy my day at all. And I want to, but so does Jeremy. I realize guilt is not from God so how do I walk in faith, serve my husband and be a blessing to him, while not hating my job.

First off I don't know what I would really want to do... waitressing is fun and there is always the potential for tips but I would have to get a job where they were okay with me not wanting to work weekends. I could do retail, it does not pay too much but I get to work with people, and the northgate mall is just down the road from me. I could work at an icecream shop, but I would prolly grow rather large rather fast. (scratch that last idea) Being a coffee girl is STRESSFUL. I hated nannying. I could work in a movie theatre but they would most likely want weekends. Oh man I would love to teach something drama, singing, something to any age. I don't have a teaching certificate though nor do I want one because it means I would have to go to school for a LONG TIME. (no thank you!!!) I could be a Nordstroms or Bon Cosmetic Person. I could council people and teach them how to put on make-up correctly. Ever since I was like 12 I have been asking God to give me a trade, some skill that I grow into but I have yet to find it. Jack of all trades master of none oh man is that ever me.

Rant to be continued after my yummy homemade by me lunch.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


These last two months have been one huge transition...

Jeremy got a new job, and starts a week from mon.

I switched positions in my work to the front desk full time instead of marketing part time.

Jeremy and I are being asked to step up and help out our Pastor. (more than we have already)

This was the very first 4th of JULY ever that i was not with the family i grew up with for any part of it. it was so strange.

God is calling us to go deeper and farther with him and step out into the kind of faith that see's miracles. The kind of faith that believes what God's word says is true. We are healed, sickness is just lies of Satan, and as people who believe in the power of God we do not have to put up with it.

Last night I found myself playing the comparision game and caught myself before whirling inot the why God questions that tangle people up. God is constantly doing amazingly different things and yet just as loving things in the lives of everyone of his kids. How could I ever not step back and just be thankful for what He is doing in and through my life?

Lord I want what you have for me and Jeremy please God POUR IT OUT on us, forgive me for getting caught in any kind of comparison game. Show J and I where we are to go who we are to focus our time on and how we can be hospitable to those around us. God let your empowering grace be rained down upon our lives. Thank you Lord for keeping Mark and Jess and Melvin safe in London, I pray your protection upon each of them for a safe return home. -Amen_


Ps My husband is a hottie pants!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Let's face it blogging is not my strong suit

All the blogs I read are so interesting. I put myself to sleep
Why would anyone in thier right mind read this.

The truth is though my life is far from boring between God and my spagesauras suit wearing, fixed gear bike riding, passionate about God husband. There is never a dull moment.

But I just lack the flare and pozazz in my writing to acurately report all the goings on of the Holmes Household.

Maybe someday I will learn how to articulate myself more clearely till then I am doomed to a readership of 3.
